Metric and Temperature Conversions
DKMK95 - Convert miles to kilometers
DKKM120 - Convert kilometers to miles
DKPK100 - Convert pounds to kilograms
DKKP40 - Convert kilograms to pounds
DKCF37 - Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit
DKFC96 - Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius
Date and Time Calculations
DDMAD - Display current date and time in Madrid (MAD)
DD19JAN01 - Display Day of the Week
DDLAX1500/MUC - Display the date and time in Munich when it is 1500 hours in Los Angeles
DDOSA/DEL - Display time difference between Osaka and Delhi
DDNCE1800/SYD0500+2 - Display calculated elapsed flying time for a flight
DD12APR/-35 - Determine the date a number of days before a specific date
DD15MAR/21- Determine the date a number of days after a specific date
Mathematical Calculations
DF134;55;21 - Addition
DF324-257 - Subtraction
DF152*8 - Multiplication
DF5115/82 - Division
DF513P10 - Percentage
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