The following are frequent flyer related commands:
Frequent Flyer Commands
FFA<Carrier Code>-<Membership No> - Frequent Flyer Add. This command automatically creates a Name element and an SSRFQTV element for a frequent flyer. This command is only available for airlines that maintain their frequent flyer database in Amadeus.
*This entry can only be used for Frequent Flyers who are members of a system user airline scheme, IE : LH, AF, TG, IB etc, see GGPCALFUN to verify the list
FFD<Carrier Code>-<Membership No> - Frequent Flyer Display. - This command simply displays the name of the person who holds the specified membership no. for verification. This command is only available for airlines that maintain their frequent flyer database in Amadeus.
FFN<Carrier Code>-<Membership No> - Frequent Flyer Number. This command inserts the frequent flyer into the PNR for transmission to the airline.
Command Examples
FFDAF-1990901462 - Display name of member whose membership number with AF is 1990901462
FFATG-ZD20423 - Create Name element and SRFQTV element from TG frequent flyer database for
membership ZD20423.
FFNPR-P039023 - Create SRFQTV element for PR membership number
FFNPR-P038945/P1 - Create SRFQTV element for passenger 1 only
FFNAF-1990901462,CO,DL - Create SRFQTV element where AF Frequent. Flyer member is travelling on affiliated airline CO & DL
VFFD - Display frequent flyer agreements between airlines
VFFDIB - Display frequent flyer agreements for one airline (Iberia)
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