The systems provide two main command methods of selling an air segment.
1. Short Sell
This method requires the user to first display an Amadeus availability display before selling using line numbers from the availability display as a reference
2. Long Sell
This method requires that the user provide the flight number, departure date, origin point, destination point and number of seats required into the command entry.
The command identifier for sell is SS.
Short Sell
Command Format
SS<No of Seats><Class><Availability Line No>
Command Example
SS1Y1 Sell 1 Y class seat from line 1 of availability display.
Other Command Examples
SS2DC3 - Sell 2 seats, D class on first leg and C class on secon d leg from flights shown on line 3 of availability display
SS1C1*11 -Sell 1 C class seat on line 1 of Dual City Pair Availability display and sell same class from line 11
SS2F3*C11 - Sell 2 F class seats from line 3 of Dual City Pair A vailability display and sell 2 C class seats from line 11
Long Sell (Direct Sell)
Command FormatSS<Carrier><Flight No><Class><Date><Origin><Destination><No of Seats>
Command ExampleSSNZ102Y12OCTSYDAKL2
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