Thursday, October 2, 2014

Currency Conversion

 You can convert from one currency to another, from NUC's to local currency, and from local currency to NUC’s using the FQC command.

The rate used to convert currencies is requested using the rate codes below
Currency Conversion - Rate Codes
S - Bankers Selling Rate (BSR)

C - IATA Clearing House Rate (ICH)

A - All of the above rates
If no rate code is used in your command, the Bankers Selling Rate (BSR) is used as the default.
Command Examples
- Convert GBP to DEM using default BSR

FQC2400/USD - Convert 2400 INR (local currency assumed) to USD using BSR

FQC560USD/DEM/A - Convert 562USD to DEM using all rates

FQC500FRF/NUC - Convert 500 FRF to NUC’s

FQC150.43NUC/HKD - Convert 150.43 NUC’s to HKD

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